Photography Competition


Registration Flow

  • Participants Register for the Symposium on the website
  • Participants will receive proof of registration sent via email
  • Participants contact the Contact Person and show proof of registration
  • Participants will be given a Google registration form by the Contact Person

     Contact Person : dr. Imam (082188906039)

Theme: “How Pulmonologist Works”

Competition Rules:

  1. Each participant can send a maximum of 3 (three) photos
  2. Open to KONASXVI participants
  3. The photo is his own work, never been included in other competitions before
  4. Can use a DSLR camera, Mobile, Mirrorless or Drone
  5. Digital editing is not allowed, such as adding and subtracting objects, with the exception of quality improvements (sharpening, cropping, color balance, contrast & brightness, and color saturation), in the extension .JPG (will be evaluated again)
  6. The image is not allowed to contain non-photographic elements, such as signatures, frames, watermarks.
  7. Pornography is not allowed in the image, SARA.
  8. The maximum photo size is 25 MB with a resolution of 300 dpi.
  9. Photography techniques are used freely, photos can be landscape, black and white / color, street photography, photojournalism.
  10. Photos according to the theme, “How Pulmonologist Works”in the form of Human Interest photos that emphasize the side of people / professions / activities that have high artistic value, are unique, or benefit many people.
  11. The deadline for sending photos is August 1 2021, 24.00 WITA.
  12. Photos will be selected by the committee team and will be submitted to the judge.
  13. Photos that pass the selection will be notified via email to participants, on August 9 2021
  14. Announcement of winners will be announced at the Gala Dinner on 3 September 2021 on the website
  15. All photos will be the rights of the committee, and the committee has the right to publish them in the media with “Do not remove the copyright of the owner of the photo”.
  16. All photos that pass the selection will be displayed on the website and Instagram with a watermark.
  17. Photos will be displayed on Instagram and the last limit of Instagram likes is September 2 2021, 23.59 WITA.
  18. The decision from the judgeis final, binding and inviolable.
  19. The committee is not responsible for copyright infringement and lawsuits from other parties

Contest Implementation:

  • Day: the deadline for sending photois 1 August 2021, Time: 23.59 WITA
  • The last limit for Instagram likes is August 30, 2021, at 23.59 WITA

Photo Ratings:

  • Theme compatibility
  • Creativity Ideas
  • Photo uniqueness
  • Aesthetics

Competition Winner:

  • The winners will be announced at the Gala Dinner
  • The favorite winner is determined by the many likes on Instagram
  • Photo contest winners will receive rewards and certificates


Alur Pendaftaran

  • Peserta Lomba Melakukan Registrasi Simposium ke website
  • Peserta akan menerima bukti registrasi yang dikirimkan melalui email
  •  Peserta menghubungi Contact Person (NAMA dan NOMOR CP) dan menunjukkan bukti registrasi
  • Peserta akan diberikan Google Form pendaftaran oleh Contact Person

 Contact Person : dr. Imam (082188906039)

Tema Lomba Foto: “How Pulmonologist Works”

Ketentuan Perlombaan :

  1. Setiap peserta maksimal dapat mengirimkan 3 (tiga) foto
  2. Terbuka untuk peserta KONAS XVI
  3. Foto merupakan hasil karya sendiri, belum pernah diikusertakan dalam perlombaan lain sebelumnya
  4. Boleh mengggunakan kamera DSLR, Handphone, Mirrorless atau Drone
  5. Olah digital tidakdiperbolehkan, seperti penambahan dan pengurangan objek, terkecuali perbaikan kualitas (sharpening, croppingcolor balancecontrast & brightness, dan saturasi warna), dalam ekstensi .JPG (akan dievaluasi lagi)
  6. Di dalam  image / foto tidak diperbolehkan mengandung unsur non-fotografi, seperti tanda tangan, frame, watermark.
  7. Di dalam  image / foto tidak diperbolehkan pornografi, SARA.
  8. Ukuran foto maksimal 25 MB dengan resolusi 300 dpi.
  9. Teknik fotografi yang digunakan bebas, foto dapat berupa landscape, hitam putih/warna, street photography, foto jurnalistik.
  10. Foto sesuai tema, “How Pulmonologist Works” berupa foto Human Interestyang mengedepankan sisi orang/profesi/kegiatan yang memiliki nilai seni tinggi, unik, atau manfaat bagi banyak orang.
  11. Batas terakhir pengiriman foto pada tanggal  1 Agustus 2021, pukul 24.00 WITA.
  12. Foto akan diseleksi oleh tim panitia dan akan diserahkan ke juri.
  13. Foto yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahukan via email ke peserta, tanggal 9 Agustus 2021
  14. Pengumuman pemenang diumumkan di Gala Dinner tanggal 3 September 2021di website
  15. Semua Foto akan menjadi hak panitia, dan panitia berhak mempublikasikannya dalam media dengan “Tidak menghilangkan hak cipta pemilik foto”.
  16. Semua foto yang lolos seleksi akan ditampilkan di website dan instagram dengan watermark.
  17. Foto akan ditampilkan di Instagram dan batas terakhir likesInstagram tanggal 2 September 2021 23.59 WITA.
  18. Keputusan dewan juri bersifat mutlak, mengikat dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  19. Panitia tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap pelanggaran hak cipta dan tuntutan hukum dari pihak lain.

Pelaksanaan Lomba:

  • Hari :batas terakhir pengiriman 1 Agustus 2021, Pukul :59 WITA
  • Batas terakhir likes Instagram tanggal 30 Agustus 2021, Pukul:59 WITA

Penilaian Foto:

  • Kesesuaian Tema
  • KreativitasIde
  • Keunikan Foto
  • Estetika

Pemenang Lomba:

  • Para pemenang akan diumumkan pada saat Gala Dinner
  • Juara favorite ditentukan oleh banyak likes di instagram
  • Para pemenang lomba foto akan menerima rewards dan sertifikat